Specialty: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Personal Success; Founder of MentorPath Coaching
"iWonder Star and Happy Peter creates a magical experience to guide a common childhood incidence with deep wisdom, amazement and imagination. This engaging and thought-provoking book offers gentle and powerful lessons about both thoughts and feelings."
Specialty: Human Development. Johns Hopkins University Faculty
"The books are written with compassion and a positive tone. The upbeat and optimistic guidance of iWonder Star will stay with children and help them become resilient throughout their lives."
Specialty: Child & Family Therapy
"A sweet story with valuable lessons about the importance of expressing feelings, compassion, positive self-talk, forgiveness and spreading kindness to the world."
Specialty: Head of Bullis Middle School
"iWonder Star and Beautiful Sarah is a must read for every parent and young child. This incredible story teaches the value of knowing the unique beauty that exists within each of us while sharing the powerful impact of words we choose. Told in a charming manner and vibrantly illustrated, the book opens doors for discussions that help children develop into happy, confident individuals.”
"I loved the story! It really made me think about self-esteem and how powerful words can be. Also it made me think about how everyone is beautiful in their own ways!"
“Such a great story for children. It really shows us that everyone is unique and beautiful. Highly recommend this amazing book.” Sophia 11 years old girl."
"FANTASTIC! Absolutely love iWonder Star and Happy Peter! A must read book for all kids and adults!"
"What a terrific book for kids to find beauty within and to learn about kindness and acceptance. Excellent pairing of words with the beautiful illustrations. Highly recommend this book, my kids absolutely loved it."
"I am excited about the iWonder Star books, especially at this time, when people crave direction in working through many issues. The power of positivity, empathy, compassion, and understanding is exactly what Jana represents in the books."
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